Ask the expert.

If you are thinking of embarking on a building project and are unsure where to start, our “Ask The Expert” consultation can provide some of the answers. Follow the link below, to book a consultation with our Principal Architect, Eva Liu-Hogan. Eva has over 10 years of architectural experience in the Los Angeles area. As a company, we have extensive experience in providing new construction, major remodels and additions throughout Los Angeles in California and Triangle Area in North Carolina . We aim to provide insight for your design questions and problems.

Book your consultation with Eva today by clicking the link, bellow

Free Project Planning Pack

The #1 cause of budget over runs is rushing to the design phase before completing research and analysis. This is like a doctor rushing a patient to surgery without a proper diagnosis. An out of control project is stressful, massively expensive and unnecessary.

The solution is successful planning. This is why we created the Project Planning Pack.


Here is what you get:

  • ​Road map that shows you the design and construction process from start to finish

  • ​Our hand-picked list of experts who can help you at each stage of the process

  • ​Costs guide worksheet that gives you a ballpark cost estimate for your project

  • ​Project specific checklists for key tasks

  • ​One-on-one FREE 15/30-minute consultation with an expert to answer your questions and point you towards the right people and resources

  • ​Monthly email tips and strategies to maximize your success

Pre-Feasibility Call.

Please watch this video before our call.



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